Graduate profile cover image
Grace Nicolaci

Grace Nicolaci

About me:

Hello. I have entered Aromatherapy following a long and fulfilling career in nursing and midwifery, 40 years. My interests and philosophy changing as I embark on the best years to come. I want life to be simply, honest, clean, exciting and with nature, everything aromatherapy is for me. My plan is to incorporate aromatherapy into my life fully, Hoping to bring along my family and friends on this journey.

What I loved about Aromahead:

Aromahead has given me the opportunity to learn the art of aromatherapy. It has made learning easy and interesting. The information learnt in the course is substantial and it includes a portal to continue learning and accessing information. It doesn't end here. The aromatherapy community is alive and firing, which helps continue the learning and to interact with like minded people. Congratulations Andrea and team for a wonderful course, website and forum. I now have my certificate :)

Grace Nicolaci

Aromahead has given me the opportunity to learn the art of aromatherapy. It has made learning easy and interesting. The information learnt in the course is substantial and it includes a portal to continue learning and accessing information. It doesn't end here. The aromatherapy community is alive and firing, which helps continue the learning and to interact with like minded people. Congratulations Andrea and team for a wonderful course, website and forum. I now have my certificate :)