2 Oils for a Diffuser Blend for Sleep

Vetiver is one of the most calming oils you can use in a diffuser blend for sleep.
It’s known as the “Oil of Tranquility” in some countries, including Sri Lanka.
Vetiver oil is especially supportive when you’re mentally exhausted . . . yet you can’t seem to fall asleep! It’s as though your mind is so overtaxed that it can’t calm down, leading to worries, restless energy, and even issues like self-doubt. All of this can keep you awake long into the night.
A Vetiver diffuser blend for sleep can help.
“Vetiver sedates & restores”
In Aromatherapy for Healing the Spirit, author Gabriel Mojay writes of Vetiver:
Relaxing an overheated, hyperactive mind and nurturing an insecure self-identity, the oil imbues us with the calm, reassuring strength of Mother Earth, and her deep sense of belonging.
Whether mentally exhausted from overwork, or out of touch with our body and its needs, Vetiver sedates and yet restores us—centers and reconnects us—closing the gap between Spirit and matter.
Vetiver’s scent is a deep, rich base note, which is one reason the oil is so relaxing. Base notes can connect us with the earth, helping us experience stillness. If you’ve never smelled Vetiver, I think you’re really going to love its earthy, sweet, woody scent. It’s so rich it’s often used as perfume!
Extra muscle relaxation from Cape Chamomile!
In this diffuser blend, I’m combining Vetiver with another traditional oil for relaxation: Cape Chamomile.
Chamomile oils are often used to help the body relax by working the tension out of the muscles. Here’s the wonderful Gabriel Mojay again!
Chamomile oil can help to relieve nervous stress of any kind, but is of greatest benefit for problems associated with a build-up of tension in the solar plexus.
Cape Chamomile’s aroma is sweet and fruity (like green apples!) with floral notes. And if you don't have Cape Chamomile, German Chamomile (Matricaria recutita) makes a great subsitutiion!
Here’s our diffuser blend for soothing high-stress exhaustion so you can get some sleep!
Chamomile & Vetiver Diffuser Blend for Sleep
A deeply relaxing massage oil with the rich aromas of conifer and resin essential oils.
6 drops Vetiver essential oil (Vetiveria zizanoides)
3 drops Cape Chamomile essential oil (Eriocephalus punctulatus)
One Diffuser
Drop the essential oils into your diffuser.
Turn it on for about 1 hour.
Use this diffuser blend for sleep when you tuck yourself into bed.
Simply drop the essential oils right into your diffuser, and set it to run for about 1 hour. (Most diffusers have settings that allow you to choose a 1-hour run time.)
Learn a few other oils that can help you sleep on this video from The Aromahead YouTube Channel. You’ll discover substitutions for this blend and a simple bath salt recipe that feels indulgent and relaxing before bed!
Here’s a tip!
Vetiver oil is thick, so it may take a bit for the drops to come out of the bottle. I also suggest cleaning your diffuser after using it to reduce the chance that the gummy oil can make your diffuser run less efficiently.
If you’re passionate about promoting natural health and wellness for your family and home, Aromatherapy for Natural Living is for you!
In this course, you’ll learn practical, hands-on methods for establishing a healthy lifestyle using essential oils. From cleaning your home to creating DIY skin care products to supporting your immunity, this course will teach you everything you need to know to live an all-natural lifestyle.
Mojay, G. (1997) Aromatherapy for Healing the Spirit. Rochester, Vermont: Healing Arts Press <
Svoboda, R. E. (2004) Ayurveda: Life, Health and Longevity. Albuquerque: The Ayurvedic Press