3 Multipurpose Holiday Hydrosol Blends
Hydrosol blends for body care, cleaning, and raising holiday spirits.
I'm always amazed by how versatile Aromatherapy is.
Some essential oils can be used for a whole host of purposes. Lavender alone is so versatile that we can use it for everything from relaxation to disinfecting, to reducing inflammation, to healing burns and skin issues (and that's still just the tip of the Lavender iceberg!).
Hydrosols are the same way.
Hydrosols are created during the distillation process at the same time as essential oils. They contain the water-soluble components of the plant.
Some hydrosols even have components you won't find in essential oil from the exact same plant. Hydrosols are so gentle!
Many are ideal for room sprays, skin care, linen sprays, mouthwash, green cleaning, kids, pets, and more.
I want to share three multipurpose hydrosol blends that are great for the holidays. They can help you save time by making one blend and using it in different ways, and they smell so festive!
Purely Peppermint Surface Cleaner/Room Spray
In a 4 oz (120 ml) glass spray bottle.
I like to add Peppermint essential oil to this one for a surface cleaner that's more powerful than just the hydrosol. This simple blend has such a bright, energizing feel, so it's perfect for a room spray, too.
4 oz (120 ml) Peppermint hydrosol (Mentha x piperita)
16 drops Peppermint essential oil (Mentha x piperita)
If you prefer to use a solubol/dispersant in your room spray, simply add 1 ml of Solubol to the blend.
Frankincense and Myrrh Bath Blend/Body Mist
In one 4 oz (120 ml) PET plastic bottle and one 4 oz (120 ml) glass spray bottle.
This hydrosol blend is perfect for different kinds of body care!
4 oz (120 ml) Frankincense hydrosol (Boswellia carterii)
4 oz (120 ml) Myrrh hydrosol (Commiphora myrrha)
In your 4 oz (120 ml) PET plastic bottle, mix 2 oz (60 ml) of each hydrosol. I like PET plastic for blends I'm using around the bath, so they don't break if my fingers are slippery and I drop them. PET plastic is known as a non-reactive plastic that doesn't leach.
To use the blend in your bath, just add a capful to your bathwater.
For your body mist, mix 2 oz (60 ml) of each hydrosol in the spray bottle. Spritz it on after you towel off from your bath!
Frankincense and Fir Room Spray/Refreshing Facial Mist Toner
In a 4 oz (120 ml) glass spray bottle.
You can keep this blend in your bathroom and just give it a spray whenever the room or your face needs freshening up. (Try it on your bathroom sink, too!)
3 oz (90 ml) Frankincense hydrosol (Boswellia carterii)
1 oz (30 ml) Douglas Fir hydrosol (Pseudotsuga menzies)
Frankincense and Douglas Fir hydrosols combine two beautiful, familiar holiday scents. This blend makes me feel grounded and happy. Frankincense hydrosol is famous for skincare, and Douglas Fir hydrosol has gentle antiseptic soothing properties that are very calming for the skin.
I recommend making these products fresh every few weeks. All of these hydrosol blends take only a few minutes to make, and then you have a beautiful, versatile Aromatherapy product you can use throughout the holidays. Enjoy!