Unwind with Black Spruce Oil: Ease Computer Work Stress

5 min to read
Karen Williams

Struggling to Sleep After Hours of Computer Work?

You should try Black Spruce Essential Oil

Do you find it difficult to unwind and relax after spending long hours working on the computer? The natural ester bornyl acetate, found in Black Spruce essential oil, might be the answer you're looking for.

Bornyl acetate, also present in the herb valerian traditionally used for sleep support, has been shown to help alleviate stress and promote relaxation. *In a 2011 study, researchers observed the effects of bornyl acetate on individuals during and after visual display terminal work (computer work). They found that even in low doses, bornyl acetate successfully reduced arousal levels, calming participants down. Additionally, animal studies have demonstrated bornyl acetate's sedative effects.

Researchers found that bornyl acetate reduced arousal
levels (calmed people down)—even in low doses.

Black Spruce essential oil stands out among other conifer oils due to its high bornyl acetate content. This oil not only possesses the familiar, piney, forest-fresh aroma characteristic of conifers but also exudes a calming and soothing warmth. Furthermore, Black Spruce essential oil can help alleviate neck and shoulder tension resulting from prolonged desk work.

Bornyl acetate sets Black Spruce apart.

To enjoy the benefits of Black Spruce, try the Black Spruce Bedtime Body Scrub. This recipe combines the calming properties of Black Spruce with the intensely relaxing effects of warm water. The scrub, which can be used in the bath or shower, helps ease muscle tension, exfoliate the skin, and moisturize, providing relief after a long day of computer work.

This recipe is for a Black Spruce Bedtime Body Scrub. 

It combines the relieving, tranquil properties of Black Spruce with the intensely relaxing effects of warm water. As you massage the salt scrub into your body, you’re easing your muscles, exfoliating your skin, and moisturizing. 
This salt scrub is soothing after a long day of computer work . . . which may be stretched into your evening, leaving you too stressed out to relax. The body scrub's scent is a captivating blend of foresty spruce with a rich, floral undertone of Davana essential oil.

Recipe: Black Spruce Bedtime Body Scrub

This salt scrub is soothing after a long day that leaves you too stressed out to relax.


  • 1 fl oz (30 ml) Jojoba (Simmondsia chinensis)

  • 1 oz (28 g) Pink Himalayan Salt (fine grain)

  • 8 drops Black Spruce Oil (Picea mariana)

  • 2 drops Davana Oil (Artemisia pallens)

  • Add the salt, jojoba, and essential oils to a glass jar.

  • Stir gently to combine.

  • Use this body scrub in the bath or shower. Just scoop a little out and massage it into your skin

Davana essential oil

Artemisia pallens

Davana has a rich, exotic floral scent. Even two drops go a long way! 

Davana, or Artemisia pallens, boasts a rich, exotic floral scent and is part of the same plant family as Roman and German Chamomile. This essential oil shares the deeply relaxing effects of its cousins, bringing mental and emotional security while calming the nervous system to promote true rest.

Add a diffuser blend for sleep!

For additional sleep support, consider diffusing a blend for Deep, Deep Sleep from our YouTube channel. This blend combines three essential oils that help calm the nervous system. Set your diffuser for an hour, and let the soothing scents guide you into a peaceful slumber.

Set your diffuser to go for an hour if you have a timer, and tuck yourself into your cozy bed!

Learn more strategies for how to improve your sleep quality by registering for the Color Me Sleepy Workshop!

Register for Color Me Sleepy Workshop

Gain an understanding of why we choose specific oils to aid our nightly regime in promoting deep sleep. This 90-minute workshop is designed for beginners and experts alike. We’ll take a closer look at how to use these essential oils to calm thoughts and gently invite sleep.


Register now for Color Me Sleepy Workshop


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Buchbauer, G., Jäger, W., Jirovetz, L., Meyer, F., & Dietrich, H. (1992). Effects of valerian root oil, borneol, isoborneol, bornyl acetate and isobornyl acetate on the motility of laboratory animals (mice) after inhalation. Die Pharmazie, 47(8), 620.

Guimarães AG, Quintans JSS, Quintans-Júnior LJ. (2013) Monoterpenes with analgesic activity – a systematic review. Phytotherapy Research 27,1-15.

*Matsubara E, Fukagawa M, Okamoto T, Ohnuki K, Shimizu K, Kondo R. (2011)  (-)-Bornyl acetate induces autonomic relaxation and reduces arousal level after visual display terminal work without any influences of task performance in low-dose condition. Biomedical Research 32, 151-157

Sadraei H, Asghari GR, Hajhashemi V et al. (2001) Spasmolytic activity of essential oil and various extracts of Ferula gummosa Boiss. on ileum contractions. Phytomedicine 8,370-376.

Wu X, Li X, Xiao F et al. (2004) Studies on the analgesic and anti-inflammatory effect of bornyl acetate in volatile oil from Amomum villosum. Zhong Yao Cai 27, 438-439

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