Aromatherapy Diffuser Blend for Colds and Flu

I have a great Aromatherapy diffuser blend for colds and flu!
I love this diffuser blend (this one is for adults). It's got rich coniferous notes and when you breathe in, you can just feel the camphoraceous Ravintsara and bright Lemon opening up your sinuses. You can drop these essential oils right into an electric Aromatherapy diffuser.
Diffuser Blend for Colds and Flu
5 drops Siberian Fir (Abies siberica)
3 drops Ravintsara (Cinnamomum camphora ct. 1,8 cineole)
4 drops Lemon (Citrus limon)
This Aromatherapy diffuser blend for colds and flu is helpful because Siberian Fir and Ravintsara have airborne antimicrobial properties. They can help take out viruses before the viruses get into your system!
If you have young children, you can either be sure this blend is diffused away from their faces (we don't want to diffuse oils high in 1,8-cineole too close to their faces) or replace the Ravintsara with Cedarwood (Juniperus virginiana and Cedrus atlantica are both great).
The chemical components bornyl acetate (in Siberian Fir), limonene (in Lemon), and 1,8-cineole (in Ravintsara) may give this essential oil diffuser blend immune-supportive properties, especially for respiratory issues where congestion is present. So while they're cleansing your air, they can boost your body's defenses. They can help you overcome a respiratory infection quickly if you do happen to come down with something.
The recipe above is enough for one use in a diffuser (10"-12 drops is just right). If you like it, you can use the recipe below and make a "stock blend," which you can use multiple times.
I suggest making your stock blend in a 5 ml orifice reducer bottle. That will hold about 125 drops, so this 72-drop blend won't quite fill it, but is still plenty of essential oil:
30 drops Siberian Fir (Abies siberica)
18 drops Ravintsara (Cinnamomum camphora ct. 1,8 cineole)
24 drops Lemon (Citrus limon)
Use the Aromatherapy diffuser blend for colds and flu several times a day to cleanse your air. It's great for offices, too—as long as your co-workers are okay with you diffusing essential oils into the shared space.
Want to learn more about making natural essential oil products for colds and flu?
Join me for a 3-hour online webinar class!
I'll share 8 simple + effective Aromatherapy blends to help you prevent colds and flu. The class is full of information you can put to use right away and revisit as often as you like over the years. Learn more here!
Discover safe, natural solutions to prevent and quickly recover from colds & flu in our 3-hour workshop, Protect Your Family from Colds & Flu!
Learn how essential oils can support your family’s health and well-being, helping you stay well and providing much-needed relief when you’re feeling under the weather. You’ll learn which essential oils can help you prevent and recover from respiratory infections and gain a strong understanding of how and why they work.