Aromatherapy truth vs rumor: education helps spot the difference
How Emily finally learned the truth about essential oils
From a holiday craft to a quest for aromatherapy education
When Emily Martin was pregnant with her second child, she got craftsy.
She created homemade aromatherapy body products as Christmas gifts for her friends.
And her friends LOVED the products she made!
But when the holiday festivities ended, Emily didn't know what to do with her new essential oils.
"Rumor had it that they were supposedly good for cleaning," Emily says. She decided to get toxic chemicals out of her home to protect her growing family.
So Emily began a quest for aromatherapy education on how to use essential oils in her home.
Emily thought that because she loved essential oils, a great way to get educated about them (and collect more oils!) was to sell them.
So for a time, that's what she did, selling oils through a parent company.
But several months into her journey, she wasn't satisfied with the essential oil information that her parent company shared. Some of it seemed incomplete—or even inaccurate.
Sometimes aromatherapy books were a better source of information, and Facebook groups also seemed promising. However, Emily realized a lot of conflicting info was still being shared.
It was frustrating!
Emily says, "In my search for information, I discovered how much I did not know."
The most important thing I learned was
safety guidelines that completely contradicted
what [I'd been told].
I realized what I was using for my children
was absolutely not safe and I had to stop.
Emily stopped selling essential oils and decided to focus on the first step to success: aromatherapy education.
Emily's new priority #1: aromatherapy education
That's when Emily found Aromahead Institute.
She was immediately interested in the Aromatherapy Certification Program.
I enrolled right away and I was so glad I did!"
"All of the information I had spent hours
looking for online was now right at my fingertips.
Not only did Emily learn research-based safety guidelines that helped her use oils without causing negative reactions for her kids . . .
. . . she also learned how to ask her aromatherapy clients the right questions so she could help them with a wider variety of issues.
Now Emily knows how to blend for physical, emotional, and mental issues. She can make blends that have therapeutic effects while still smelling irresistible. She knows how to use essential oils without causing drug interactions for people who take medications. She understands safe dilution ratios, so she's not using too much oil and causing sensitivities.
And that's just a quick overview of her skills!
Helping others avoid her early frustrations
After graduating from the Aromatherapy Certification Program (congratulations, Emily!), she began teaching others and offering consultations. (Her website is so beautiful!)
Emily remembers her confusing early days in aromatherapy.
And she doesn't like to see others go through the same frustrations:
I believe there is so much false information
being passed around that many do not know
what is safe for themselves and their families.
So a big part of Emily's mission is sharing safe, accurate information about essential oils.
She uses social media as one way to connect with others and share science-based content.
And she hasn't stopped learning! After graduating from Aromahead, Emily dove into learning about herbs, meaning she has another realm of knowledge to offer her clients.
Because Emily is a military wife, she and her family travel a lot. Her choice of career allows her to pick up and move without leaving her work behind.
Emily is part of the aromatherapy revolution!
It's no exaggeration to say that now is the best time in history to be an aromatherapist.
Not only are high-quality, pure essential oils from all over the world more available than ever before, but the amazing invention of the internet allows us to share research, connect with like-minded people, learn safe and effective usage of the oils, and even build businesses that support our families.
And—also thanks to the internet—there's currently an "aromatherapy boom" in full swing!
However, this surge of interest is accompanied by a lot of misinformation.
If you feel called to join the "aromatherapy revolution," the first place to start is with a solid aromatherapy education—like Emily.
Discover more about the Aromatherapy Certification Program that she graduated from.