Digestive Belly Cream Rub Recipe

The holiday season is truly a special time of the year, filled with joy, laughter, and let's not forget - an abundance of mouth-watering food.
Be it family feasts or friendly gatherings, the culinary delights offered at these events can be hard to resist. Sometimes, we even find ourselves attending multiple celebrations on the same day!
Despite our best intentions, it's not uncommon to overindulge during the festivities. I'm not just talking about those extra helpings of holiday cookies; I mean those times when you've indulged in one too many hearty meals! Before you know it, a seemingly innocent "I shouldn't have had that second helping" quickly morphs into "I need to loosen my belt, or I might burst!"
Luckily, for such festive 'emergencies,' I have just the solution: a Digestive Belly Cream Rub, specially formulated to aid digestion. This cream, designed for those special occasions of overindulgence, is easy to prepare and apply.
You'll need 1 oz (30 ml) of unscented cream as a base.
If you're new to the world of essential oils and blending your own products, we've got you covered. We've put together a free How to Blend Essential Oils course, This resource is designed to guide you through the basics of creating your own essential oil products and blends.
To formulate this digestion-supporting cream, blend the following essential oils into your unscented cream base:
Digestive Belly Cream Rub
4 drops Cardamom (Ellettaria cardamomum)
4 drops Roman Chamomile (Chamaemelum nobile)
5 drops Sweet Orange (Citrus sinensis)
1 drop Peppermint (Mentha x piperita)
This blend can be easily incorporated into an unscented body cream or lotion using a glass stir rod or a stainless steel spoon for thorough mixing.
Once blended, apply this cream to your belly and lower back area. Allow yourself a moment to take deep, calming breaths, enhancing the effects of the essential oils as you relax and let the blend work its magic.
Sweet Orange, Cardamom, and Peppermint are among the most effective essential oils for digestion.
They possess properties that aid in alleviating common digestive discomforts such as constipation, gas, nausea, and muscle spasms. Additionally, Cardamom lends a delightful, sweet, warm aroma to this blend, making its application an even more enjoyable experience.
Preparation in advance is key to seamless enjoyment of the festive season. Whip up this blend before the whirlwind of holiday celebrations begins, ensuring you have this digestive aid on hand whenever you might need it.
Register for 5 Essential Oils for a Happy Belly
An in-depth look at how you can use essential oils to support your digestive system. Our 60+ minute workshop, 5 Essential Oils for a Happy Belly, teaches you concepts and essential oil remedies to support a healthy digestive system that needs extra situational support. You'll learn why these 5 oils are so effective and how to use them properly.
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