3 Essential Oils for Sinus Congestion
How to Make a Body Oil that Supports Health Using 3 Essential Oils for Sinus Congestion
Frankincense and Myrrh like to collaborate on Aromatherapy blends a lot. I was fortunate to sit in on one of their recent creative meetings when they weren't sure what to make . . .
Frankincense: "Myrrh, I've been thinking about our next blend. What do you think we should make?"
Myrrh: "Maybe we should make some incense or a diffuser blend?"
Frankincense: "We always do that . . ."
Myrrh: "Hmm, you're right. What about something with essential oils for sinus congestion? We are both really good at calming inflammation and clearing away mucus."
Frankincense: "Great idea! What kind of blend should we make? An inhaler?"
Then someone interrupted them . . . Elemi came in! "Surprise, you two! I am back from my trip to the Middle East! I got us all some skin care oil for dry weather!"
Frankincense and Myrrh looked at each other.
Frankincense: "Myrrh, are you thinking what I'm thinking?"/
Myrrh: "We should make a sinus care oil! A chest rub that cares for the skin and breaks up congestion!"
Of course, they invited Elemi to make this blend with them.
Frankincense, Myrrh, and Elemi are all distilled from resins. They've been shown to be amazing essential oils for sinus congestion in the head and chest, as well as for supporting skin. This makes them great for a health-supporting body oil that can boost immunity and help to clear the sinuses.
Triple-Resin Sinus Congestion Support Oil
Boost your immunity and clear up your sinuses with this amazing blend!
1 fl oz (30 ml) Jojoba oil (Simmondsia chinensis)
6 drops Elemi Oil (Canarium luzonicum)
6 drops Frankincense Oil (Boswellia carterii)
3 drops Myrrh Oil (Commiphora myrrha)
One 1 fl oz (30 ml) amber glass bottle with coned cap
Add the jojoba oil to the glass bottle.
Drop in your essential oils.
Gently shake the bottle to combine.
Make this blend in a 1 fl oz (30 ml) glass bottle. Combine the jojoba and essential oils, and shake gently.
When you feel congested, massage this oil into your chest, neck, shoulders, upper arms, upper back, and anywhere you feel it would nourish you.
This is a great blend to use all day, but especially at night because these three oils have another effect in common—they can all soothe the nervous system and help you sleep well. (And we definitely want a little support for that when we have sinus congestion!)
Isn't it amazing that all three of these trees—Boswellia carterii, Commiphora myrrha, and Canarium luzonicum—are from completely different genus and species, yet they all produce gorgeous resins that have similar properties?
It's as though nature is offering us multiple solutions to the same problems.
When we combine these 3 essential oils for sinus congestion, we get the synergy of their shared therapeutic effects, all supporting us in their unique ways.
Want to learn more about using essential oils for sinus congestion, colds, and flu?
Check out a different version of this blend on Aromahead's YouTube channel! This recipe is a variation of the one in this blog post, and you can subscribe to Aromahead's YouTube channel to see more recipes like this. YouTube even makes suggestions for which of our videos to watch next. I think you'll like our YouTube videos—we get a lot of fun comments over there!
Discover safe, natural solutions to prevent and quickly recover from colds & flu in our 3-hour workshop, Protect Your Family from Colds & Flu!
Learn how essential oils can support your family’s health and well-being, helping you stay well and providing much-needed relief when you’re feeling under the weather. You’ll learn which essential oils can help you prevent and recover from respiratory infections and gain a strong understanding of how and why they work.