How a Croatian Woman Used Aromatherapy Magic to Ease Joint Pain

4 min to read
Andrea Butje

Jasminka Saric is from Croatia, where she grew up in a small village and developed a deep love for herbs, essential oils, and the natural world.

In fact, Jasminka's aunt founded an all-natural cosmetic and body product company—Allianthe.

But when her aunt passed away, Allianthe went out of operation.

Since her aunt and uncle lived in Australia, and there was war in Croatia, the two sides of the family were out of touch for a time . . . until finally, Jasminka's uncle was able to return to his family's homeland for a visit!

It just so happened that he was a homeopath and naturopath, and when he came to visit, he was very impressed with Jasminka's knowledge of essential oils and plants. He began to share his knowledge with her, and her understanding grew. His encouragement meant a great deal to her. (Sometimes all we need is the encouragement of someone we care for to inspire us to keep going, keep learning, and dive into our passion.)

25 years after her aunt's company went out of operation, Jasminka herself decided to start her own natural cosmetic and body product company . . . and she named it after the company her aunt had founded so long ago—Allianthe!

She dedicated the name to her uncle.

Jasminka SaricJasminka studied all about essential oils and their chemistry, and also human anatomy. She wanted to build her knowledge, so she could give people advice with clarity and self-assurance. This brought her to Aromahead Institute and the Aromatherapy Certification Program!

Understanding the science of essential oils helped to instill a lot of confidence in Jasminka.

She said, "The greatest joy it gives me is the pleasure of people turning to me for help or advice, especially those who approach aromatherapy with a grain of salt because they believe only in the doctors of conventional medicine."

Jasminka shared one story with us of a man who suffered from rheumatoid arthritis. He had trouble sleeping at night because of the pain and had even lost a lot of weight.

He had been to doctors for this pain, and they had told him that it would be with him for the rest of his life, and he had best learn to live with it. (Not a reassuring diagnosis...)

Jasminka knew that she had to use her knowledge to try and help him.

She made a jar of pain cream for him . . . and it worked!

"When you're able to put a smile back on his face with a jar of cream made with a few drops of bay laurel to soothe the pain, a few drops of chamomile to soothe inflammation and inspire restful sleep, and a few drops of frankincense to soothe the spirit and bring stability . . . then you know you have learned magic—magic that helps, that understands!"

Jasminka revived a family tradition with her Aromatherapy practice. And she brought her own special touch to create "magic" with her modern understanding of chemistry and science. Since Jaminka started her own business she has moved on to new and exciting adventures with her Aromatherapy education!

Amazing! It is a true joining of traditional methods and modern knowledge!

If you would like to know more about the online program that Jasminka used to make magic for someone with a "lifetime condition," read about Aromahead's Aromatherapy Certification Program here!

Gain the knowledge and skills you need to make therapeutically effective essential oil blends! The Aromatherapy Certification Program provides you with the highest-quality aromatherapy education available so you can feel 100% confident in your ability to use your essential oils safely and effectively. You’ll gain the expertise needed to create blends for others – and even transform your career!

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