A Budding Aromatherapist Helps Concert Pianist Play Her at Best
Let me take you on a journey with Hazel Ketko, a woman with an affinity for essential oils but uncertainty in her ability to utilize them to the advantage of others.
Hazel had completed Aromahead's ACP (Aromatherapy Certification Program) and AGP (Advanced Graduate Program). It's clear to mention that these programs are incredibly comprehensive, blending scientific knowledge with hands-on experience!
Despite her diligence and academic prowess, Hazel realized there was a vast gap between understanding the efficacy of essential oils and employing that knowledge to improve people's lives. This became evident when Hazel's friend presented her with a unique opportunity: helping a renowned concert pianist in Japan and Asia suffering from a decade-old finger injury.
The pianist's chronic finger pain was a hindrance to her performance and practice, often steering her toward spells of sadness and desolation. Hazel, though uncertain, was fueled by compassion and an eagerness to alleviate this unnecessary suffering through the healing powers of essential oils. Hence, she took the leap and arranged a consultation with the pianist.
"During our initial meeting, I prepared an oil blend using Frankincense, Helichrysum, Rosewood, Balsam Fir, and Copaiba, combined with Trauma Oil as a carrier. To cater to her emotional well-being, I also made her an inhaler and bath oil," Hazel recounted. She then patiently waited for feedback.
Two weeks passed without any response, then three... The silence was agonizing. Hazel's doubts about her skills started creeping back in, fearing she might have exacerbated the pianist's condition. But, after a suspense-filled month, an email from the pianist emerged. Amidst her hectic tour schedule, the pianist conveyed that her finger was considerably better, no longer causing discomfort or numbness after long practice sessions or performances.
Hazel shared, "Seeing her improve and become happier has boosted my confidence. She is not just my first steady client now but also a friend. Her recovery reaffirms the knowledge I gained from the ACP and AGP, helping me realize that I can indeed make a difference."
Hazel's story is a testament to the symbiotic relationship that exists in aromatherapy. We offer people natural pain-relieving solutions with essential oils, and in return, they provide us with the invaluable experience of aiding others, boosting our confidence, and propelling us to extend our help confidently to more individuals.
Sometimes, even after extensive education and understanding of the theory behind essential oils, self-doubt may still creep in, causing hesitation to extend help. But remember, knowledge lays the groundwork for confidence and accomplishment, while real-world experience bolsters this belief. It's not merely about believing in your ability to help but witnessing the tangible results of your efforts.
If Hazel's journey piqued your interest and you'd like to learn more about the programs that equipped her with the necessary knowledge to aid a touring pianist, you can explore the ACP here.