How to Make a Smoky Lavender Stress Relief Roll-On

4 min to read
Karen Williams

Stress is a daily reality for many people.

Carrying a stress relief roll-on is one of the best ways to use calming essential oils anytime, anywhere. You can apply the oils as needed and keep your nervous system relaxed as you go about your day.

The essential oils in this stress relief roll-on are full of natural components that can bring more peace into your days, such as linalool and linalyl acetate.

Linalool and linalyl acetate

These two constituents have been well-researched. 

They’re the two main components in Lavender essential oil, and we have countless studies demonstrating their relaxing effects on the nervous system. Individually, linalool and linalyl acetate both have their own soothing benefits. And when they appear side by side, they work together to bring out one another’s best qualities.

We call this “synergy.”

The synergy of linalool and linalyl acetate
has made Lavender the most popular essential oil
in the world for anxiety, stress relief, and relaxation!

Lavender is one of the main ingredients in today’s stress-relief roll-on.

I’m blending it with three other oils that support its relaxing effects. You’ll learn more about those after the recipe!

Smoky Lavender Stress Relief Roll-On

  • 10 ml Jojoba oil (Simmondsia chinensis)

  • 3 drops Lavender essential oil (Lavandula angustifolia)

  • 2 drops Vetiver essential oil (Vetiveria zizanoides)

  • 1 drop Catnip essential oil (Nepeta cataria)

  • 1 drop Palo Santo essential oil (Bursera graveolens)

Make this blend in a 10 ml glass roller-top bottle.

Pour the jojoba into the bottle, add the essential oils, and snap the roller-ball top into place. Roll the blend between your palms to mix it up, and apply it as needed. This recipe smells gorgeous—floral and smoky with earthy base notes—so you might want to use it as a stress-calming perfume!

Blending Video!

About the other essential oils in this stress relief roll-on

Vetiver essential oil

Vetiveria zizanoides

Vetiver oil is so relaxing that it’s sometimes called the “Oil of Tranquility.” 

It is full of heavy molecules called sesquiterpenols, which are known to release tension from the body. If you’ve ever experienced the wave of comfort that can wash over you when you’re covered by a warm, heavy blanket, you can get an idea of the way sesquiterpenols can help you relax.

Vetiver has a sweet, smoky, base-note aroma. Vetiver’s scent is so lovely that some people use it as perfume all by itself!

Catnip essential oil

Nepeta cataria

Yup—Catnip oil! 

This plant that’s so popular with our feline friends also has benefits for us humans! First of all, it has a beautiful sweet, herbal, floral scent.

Second, Catnip contains nepetalactones, which are responsible for its tension-relieving properties. Catnip can help ease tight, achy muscles, especially those that may be storing long-term stress after a series of challenging days. (Neck and shoulder massage, anyone?)

Palo Santo essential oil

Bursera graveolens

Palo Santo contains d-limonene, which is also found in citrus oils.

While Palo Santo doesn’t smell like a light and airy citrus (it has a rich, smoky, middle-base note), the research on d-limonene tells us we can use it for many of the same reasons: boosting the mood, easing anxiety, and releasing chronic sadness. (d-Limonene also supports immunity! Learn how here.)

Perhaps these effects are what helped Palo Santo earn its name among the native people of Ecuador. They call it “Holy Wood” and use it for rituals and meditations, valuing its ability to center the mind and enhance spiritual awareness.

I hope you get compliments on your new Smoky Lavender Stress Relief Roll-On! The aroma really is intoxicating.

Support yourself and others with natural anxiety relief. In our spotlight course, Natural Anxiety Relief with Essential Oils, you’ll gain familiarity with three chemical components found in essential oils that help calm the nervous system, ease anxiety, and even relieve pain! You’ll also learn how to make safe and effective natural remedies to address anxiety symptoms.


Aydin, S., Beis, R., Ozturk, Y., Husnu, K., Baser, K.H. (1998) Nepetalactone: a new opioid analgesic from Nepeta caesarea Boiss. Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmacology Jul; 50(7):813-7.  

Linck, V.M., da Silva, A.L., Figueiró, M., Caramão, E.B., Moreno, P.R.H. and Elisabetsky, E. (2010) Effects of inhaled linalool in anxiety, social interaction and aggressive behaviour in mice. Phytomedicine 17, 679-683.

>Svoboda, R. E. (2004) Ayurveda: Life, Health and Longevity. Albuquerque: The Ayurvedic Press.

>Woelk, H. and Schläfke, S. (2010) A multi-center, double-blind, randomised study of the Lavender oil preparation Silexan in comparison to Lorazepam for generalized anxiety disorder. Phytomedicine 17, 2, 94-99.

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