How to Make an Aromatherapy Inhaler (use essential oils anywhere)

4 min to read
Andrea Butje

Awaken your senses and add a dash of personal flair to your wellness routine by crafting your very own essential oil inhaler!

Aromas are subjective - the soothing aroma of lavender that lulls you into tranquility might be another's sensory overload. So, how do you savor the therapeutic benefits of your cherished essential oils without subjecting everyone around you to the same olfactory experience?

Unveiling the power-packed, discreet essential oil inhaler. This undercover aromatherapy hero is your personal haven of healing aromas, carefully designed to respect the scent boundaries of shared spaces.

An aromatherapy inhaler allows you to immerse in the unique benefits of essential oils in a considerate, low-profile way.

Whether you're working in a vibrant office, studying in a serene classroom, or simply in a communal space, this aromatherapy sidekick ensures you can indulge in your essential oils, without infringing on the scent sensitivities of others.

The appeal of this inhaler lies in its compact design. About the same size as your favorite lip balm, it slips effortlessly into pockets and bags, serving as your portable sanctuary of scents. From alleviating stress, aiding in digestion, or simply fending off the common cold and flu, your cherished essential oils are now at your fingertips, anytime, anywhere.

Customize it to reflect your needs, make it uniquely yours, and embark on a portable, therapeutic aromatherapy voyage whenever you need one!

Embrace the serenity of an Eucalyptus Forest with this custom inhaler recipe that provides remarkable respiratory support.

Here's the recipe:
Eucalyptus Forest Resin Inhaler

This inhaler offers respiratory support.


  • Insert the wick into your inhaler.

  • Introduce the essential oils onto the wick, allowing each drop to imbue its healing power.

  • Secure the plastic bottom into place.

These three different oils converge with a singular mission: to provide excellent respiratory support.

Eucalyptus, with its renowned respiratory benefits, takes the center stage. While numerous Eucalyptus species carry these supportive properties, for this recipe we're harnessing the strength of Eucalyptus dives, though Eucalyptus globulus or Eucalyptus radiata would be equally effective substitutes.

Balsam Fir essential oil, derived from the resilient conifer tree. It's a powerhouse when it comes to combating respiratory conditions accompanied by persistent coughing and thick mucus.

Opopanax, an oil distilled from resin akin to Frankincense and Myrrh, offers comforting support to the respiratory system in its true "resinous" fashion.

Together, this essential oil trio works to soothe inflammation in the respiratory system, assist the body in clearing congestion, and bolster the immune system. This magical mix transforms your inhaler into a potent tool for promoting vitality and well-being.

It's remarkable how nature provides trees and plants that aid us in clear breathing, no matter where we find ourselves in the world.

Eucalyptus thrives in Australia, Balsam Fir is native to Canada, and Opopanax originates from various countries, including Ethiopia. These "lung-like" trees ingest carbon dioxide and release purified oxygen, facilitating our breathing even before we distill their essential oils!

Through distillation, we capture the essence of these helpful trees and plants in tiny oil bottles, emphasizing the power they hold. With just a few drops, we can unlock the vast healing potential nature has in store for us.

Register for our free How to Blend Essential Oils course

Ready to learn the basics of blending your essential oils? How to Blend Essential Oils is for you!

This free course is perfect for beginners who want to create therapeutic blends. In just one hour, we'll explain the difference between essential oils and carriers, show you how to create three different blends, and teach you how to use the drop-by-drop method so you can start creating your own blends today!

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