Make Itch Sticks for Natural Bug Bite Itch Relief

3 min to read
Andrea Butje

An itch stick with essential oils is effective, natural bug bite itch relief.

Let's say you forgot to make your summer batch of natural bug repellent. (I have a recipe for that here!)

After you spend an evening outside with friends, you come back in covered in bites and spend the next few days trying not to scratch like crazy!

Well, maybe you forgot your bug repellent, but at least you can make natural bug bite itch relief.

Every Adults Favorite: No-More-Itch Stick for Bug Bites

The ingredients are:

You'll need two 1 oz (30 ml) push-up tubes. I like using the sturdy cardboard lip balm style tubes at SKS Bottles! You can double this recipe to fill four of their 1 oz (30 ml) tubes.

Other supplies that will come in handy are a Pyrex measuring cup, and something to stir with (a glass stir rod or the handle of a spoon will work). You might want a lip balm tube tray to help hold the tubes in place. It makes it a lot easier to pour the hot liquid into the tubes!


  1. Melt your beeswax in the Pyrex measuring cup using the stove top double boiler method. (Fill a cooking pot ¼ full with water, and bring to a low boil. Put your Pyrex into the pot, with the handle hanging out of the side. Melt your ingredients in the Pyrex.)

  2. Add the coconut oil.

  3. Add the jojoba, stirring with a glass stir rod or the end of a spoon.

  4. Remove the Pyrex from the cooking pot and turn off the stove.

  5. Add your essential oils, stirring gently.

  6. Pour the hot liquid into the lip balm tubes (or use a plastic pipette). This is where you might be glad to have a lip balm tube tray, which holds the tubes up and prevents spills.

  7. Let the itch sticks cool for a few hours before using them.

Just rub your itch stick right over the bite, and voila—natural bug bite itch relief! The Lavender and Helichrysum essential oils are very healing, reducing inflammation and irritation fast. The Peppermint is cooling, which is a great way to stop the itch!

These itch sticks are intended for people who aren't allergic to stings and bites. Most people aren't allergic, so the itchy, inflamed reaction is the body's normal and healthy response. (That doesn't mean it's not irritating!) An allergic reaction is more severe and needs immediate medical attention.

But if you or your family suffer from other allergic reactions, like seasonal respiratory allergies, Aromatherapy can absolutely help! I teach a free webinar called "Reduce Allergies Naturally," which will show you how to do just that. You'll learn recipes for allergy relief, green cleaning (reducing your exposure to harsh chemicals can be so helpful in calming allergies), and more. Click here to learn more and register!

Register for our First Aid Remedies Workshop

Join us for a deep dive into how to use your essential oils for wound healing and first aid. In this workshop, First Aid Remedies with 3 Essential Oils and Aloe Vera, you’ll learn how to effectively use your oils for healing scrapes, wounds, bruises, and so much more!


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