Make a Linen Spray with Essential Oils and Relax

It's made with water and just two relaxing essential oils—one of which is SO soothing it's earned the nickname "Oil of Tranquility!"
Can you guess what that essential oil is?
I will give you some hints . . .
It's distilled from the rootlets of a grassy plant.
It has a deep, base aroma—very rich, earthy, and sweet. This scent has made it popular in perfumes.
It's comfortably cooling—in fact, in Réunion, house blinds are made from this grass and spritzed with water to create an all-natural air conditioning effect when the breeze passes through (and it makes the house smell amazing!)
It is very gentle on the skin and has the effect of calming the nervous system. (No wonder it's one of the most popular essential oils to relax with...)
It's Vetiver (Vetiveria zizanoides)!
Today, I'm using Vetiver to make a linen spray along with another relaxing essential oil—Cedarwood (Juniperus virginiana).
Many conifer essential oils have more energizing, invigorating effects on our emotions.
Cedarwood shares plenty of therapeutic benefits with its friends in the conifer family (it offers respiratory support, clears congestion, boosts immunity, and helps reduce infections), but it has a softer aroma that feels more soothing and relaxing. It's warm, woodsy, and comforting.
A perfect companion for the Oil of Tranquility!
Tranquil Cedar Linen Spray
1 fl oz (30 ml) water
4 drops Vetiver essential oil (Vetiveria zizanoides)
8 drops Cedarwood essential oil (Juniperus virginiana)
1 ml Solubol dispersant (optional for a linen spray but needful if this turns into a body spray!)
Make your essential oil linen spray in a 1 oz (30 ml) glass spray bottle.
Combine the water and essential oils and shake well to disperse the oil. (Or, if you prefer to use a solubol dispersant in your spray, simply add 4 drops of solubol for every 1 drop of essential oil.)
Be sure to make your linen spray fresh every few weeks, as we're not adding a preservative.
Note: If you LOVE the aroma of Vetiver (I do!) and think it would make a beautiful perfume. To make a body spray and perfume that smells sweet, warm, and floral and feels so refreshing when you spritz it on, simply use this recipe with the addition of Solubol. Solubol disperses the essential oils into the water.
When you're ready to tuck yourself into bed, spritz this linen spray on your blankets and under your pillow. You'll need to shake this blend each time before you use it because the essential oils won't stay dispersed through the water.
This is a great way to use essential oils to relax without getting them on your skin.
Did you notice I used more Cedarwood than Vetiver?
There are only 4 drops of Vetiver in this linen spray and 8 of Cedarwood. That's because Vetiver's strong, heavy base aroma can overpower softer scents, like Cedarwood (even though Cedarwood is "technically"also a base note).
If you'd like to make a linen spray with more "Oil of Tranquility, "feel free to adjust the drop count of this recipe. I suggest keeping your total drops to about 12.