Stress-Soothing Solid Perfume Recipe

5 min to read
Karen Williams

Essential oil perfumes are better!

I don’t like synthetic perfumes. They can be too strong and sometimes contain harsh substances that cause reactions (especially for people with sensitivities).

That’s why I like to make my own perfume with essential oils. 

It’s natural and healthy—and I can customize different perfumes for different therapeutic effects. 

I make natural perfumes that are stress-soothing, energizing, and even immune boosting.  There’s so much room for creativity!

Make a stress-soothing solid perfume recipe

This recipe is for a stress-soothing solid perfume that smells AMAZING—and relaxes your nervous system. You can wear it all day to stop stress from building to unmanageable levels. 

It’s made with two rich floral essential oils from the Asteraceae family. This botanical family includes the Chamomiles, Helichrysum, Davana, and other almost hypnotically relaxing floral oils.

The Asteraceae oils in this recipe are balanced by soft, woodsy Cedarwood.

Flowers in the Forest

This stress-soothing solid perfume smells AMAZING and relaxes your nervous system. Wear it all day to stop stress from building to unmanageable levels. 

  • 2.5 oz (70g, 75 ml) Jojoba Oil (Simmondsia chinensis)

  • 1/2 oz (14 g) Beeswax (Cera flava)

  • 30 drops Cedarwood Oil (Juniperus virginiana)

  • 9 drops Davana Oil (Artemisia pallens)

  • 9 drops Roman Chamomile Oil (Chamaemelum nobile)

  • Three 1 oz (30 ml) glass jars or tins

  • Set up a method of melting your ingredients over the stove. Try a glass measuring cup placed inside a soup pot that’s about ¼ full of simmering water. The water will heat the measuring cup and melt your ingredients.

  • Melt the beeswax in the measuring cup.

  • Add the jojoba and remelt, stirring gently with a glass stirring rod or stainless steel spoon. This is your melted salve base.

  • Remove the blend from the heat and add your essential oils. 
    Pro tip! Get your essential oils ready while your beeswax melts. Just blend the drops in a small glass or ceramic bowl. 

  • Now pour your essential oils into your melted salve. Stir gently.

  • Pour the perfume into your glass jars or tins. Let it cool for at least fifteen minutes before using it. It will continue to firm up over the next day or so, but it'll be cool enough to use a lot sooner!

Cedarwood essential oil (Juniperus virginiana)

Cedarwood oil contains cedrol. Multiple studies show that cedrol has a relaxing influence on the nervous system. It’s so strong that it’s able to calm people down even if they can’t smell it. 

You should smell the Cedarwood in your stress-soothing perfume. But if you prefer to use less and let the two floral oils shine, rest assured: you’re still getting the relaxing benefits of Cedarwood.

Davana essential oil (Artemisia pallens)

Davana oil is closely related to Roman Chamomile (which I’ll talk about next). While there’s not much existing research on this oil, we can draw a few conclusions about it—then we can look to what people experience with this oil to confirm (or debunk!) our conclusions.

It’s an Asteraceae, explaining why it has such a profound, stress-soothing effect. 

It also contains a high percentage of unique ketones. Many ketone molecules can calm cramps and spasms, making them great for easing muscle tension. 

My own experiences with Davana bear out these conclusions. It’s such a gorgeous, comforting oil! (It makes a great perfume all by itself—just dilute a few drops in jojoba!)

Roman Chamomile essential oil (Chamaemelum mobile)

Roman Chamomile has a reputation for relaxation! It’s not surprising that it attracted researchers’ attention. A handful of studies show that it can indeed make people feel more relaxed—and even help them sleep more easily. 

This is probably due to the unique esters that are present in the essential oil. They’re not only stress-soothing, but they ease tense, cramped muscles—allowing your entire body to feel more tranquil all over.

Need a recipe substitute?

If you don’t have some of the oils in this recipe, substitute one of the suggestions from our popular YouTube video, Which Essential Oils to Use for Stress.

Support yourself and others with natural anxiety relief. In our spotlight course, Natural Anxiety Relief with Essential Oils, you’ll gain familiarity with three chemical components found in essential oils that help calm the nervous system, ease anxiety, and even relieve pain! You’ll also learn how to make safe and effective natural remedies to address anxiety symptoms.


Dayawansa, S., Katsumi, U., Takakuro, H., Hori, E., Tabuchi, E., Nagashima, Y., Oosu, H., Yada, Y., Suzuki, T., Ono, T., Nishijo, H. (2003) Autonomic responses during inhalation of natural fragrance of Cedrol in humans. Autonomic Neuroscience: Basal & Clinical Oct 31; 108(1-2):79-86

Kagawa D, Jokura H, Ochiai R, Tokimitsu I, Tsubone H (2003) The sedative effects and mechanism of action of cedrol inhalation with behavioural pharmacological evaluation. Planta Medica 69: 637-641.

Moss, M., Howarth, R., Wilkinson, L. and Wesnes, K. (2006) Expectancy and the aroma of Roman chamomile influence mood and cognition in healthy volunteers. International Journal of Aromatherapy 16, 2, 63-73.

Rossi T, Melegari M, Bianchi A, Albasini A, Vampa G. (1988) Sedative, anti-inflammatory and anti-diuretic effects induced in rats by essential oils of varieties of Anthemis nobilis: a comparative study. Pharmacological Research Communications. 1988 Dec;20 Suppl 5:71-4. doi: 10.1016/s0031-6989(88)80844-0. PMID: 3247357.

Zhang K, Yao L. (2018) The anxiolytic effect of Juniperus virginiana L. essential oil and determination of its active constituents. 

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