Using Essential Oils for Allergies
The Aromahead Approach® to relieve allergies with essential oils!
We recently did a survey on allergies, and the results were really interesting. 195 people filled out the survey and I asked three questions.
1. Do you have allergies?
53 people said yes, all the time.
90 people said yes, only in the summer.
47 said they did not have allergies.
2. Have you tried using essential oils for allergies?
91 people said yes, and they have helped.
12 people said yes, and they have not helped.
71 people said they had not tried essential oils for their allergies.
3.If you have successfully used essential oils for allergies, which method has worked best?
60 people said they used an essential oil inhaler.
36 people said they did essential oil steams.
28 people said they changed from chemical cleaners to natural ones.
4 people said they used a linen spray.
The results of this survey are clear: many people suffer from allergies.
That’s why we decided to share Aromahead's entire approach to using essential oils to calm allergy symptoms naturally in a webinar!
Reduce Allergies Naturally Using Essential Oils
If you're ready to learn more about using essential oils for allergies, then please join me for my FREE webinar! You'll learn all the information (and recipes!) you need to soothe your allergies whenever they occur!
Since 91 people have gotten help from essential oils and 71 people have never tried them, we decided to share our approach to relieving allergies with essential oils. The results work both for the short term and the long term.
Here's what we teach during the webinar:
How to use essential oils to relieve (or even eliminate) summer allergies and clear up sinus infections.
FIVE simple and effective essential oil blends that will help reduce allergies in the short and long term.
How green cleaning products improve your health and reduce allergies so you feel better. We will share our favorite homemade cleaning spray with you and explain which essential oils are best for cleaning.
How to make an all-natural hand gel so you can stop using products that potentially irritate your skin and contribute to allergies.
This is a FREE online event. You'll learn a lot of research-based information that you can immediately put to use.
I feel confident saying that you CAN get immediate relief and even eliminate allergies for the long term using essential oils.
But you have to know how to use the oils safely and effectively to get results. This webinar has everything you need to know so you don’t have to suffer from allergies!
Join the webinar today!