How To Reduce Baby Acne Naturally

2 min to read
Andrea Butje

Reduce baby acne naturally with this gentle spray you can make at home.

Babies have quite a life. They're brand new, and so little in a big world! On top of all the new experiences they have to adjust to, some of them develop acne on their little faces, arms, legs, and bottoms. No fun!

There are a lot of baby acne remedies you can find in stores, but some of the ingredients in those products can be harsh. You can soothe baby acne naturally with remedies that are gentle, nourishing, and healing.

Here's one of my favorite recipes to share with new moms and dads! It makes 1 oz (30 ml) of baby acne spray.

Just combine all your ingredients in a 1 oz (30 ml) spray bottle. That's it!

I don't use essential oils in this recipe, since they can be too strong for a baby's sensitive skin. Instead, I use hydrosols. Hydrosols are aromatic waters that are created during the process of essential oil distillation.

Hydrosols have healing properties and are much gentler on the skin than essential oils.

I made a YouTube video about this recipe, so you can watch me make it and follow along. This is a good way to see how much hydrosol to fill your bottle with, and how much space to leave for the aloe. (How much is a "dash"anyway?) I recommend making this product fresh every few weeks.

You can use this natural baby acne blend all over the baby's body—cheeks and face, bottom, arms and legs—wherever the acne shows up. You can also use this spray for diaper rash, or any other skin issue. It works quickly and you have a happier baby!

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