A Mom's Passion for Essential Oils Turns into a Blooming Business
Helping their family—especially the children they love—is a big motivator for many people who decide to get Aromatherapy Certification.
That's what drew Amy Emnett to essential oils.
So she did some research and took a few courses. She felt like she'd built up her knowledge of essential oils to a strong place—when people came to her for advice, she knew what to say much of the time. And she was able to help the people she cared about (including her children) with natural, effective solutions. (That feels so fulfilling!)
Amy loved it! She decided to become a Certified Aromatherapist to gain credibility and inspire more trust in the people she wanted to serve.
She attended one of Aromahead Institute's webinars, and her intuition told her to enroll. Amy followed her guidance and signed up for the Aromatherapy Certification Program immediately.
. . . And as soon as Lesson One, she realized there was so much she didn't know.
In the midst of Lesson 1 of my class, I realized that there was so much more to Aromatherapy than I even knew existed. I never understood the chemistry behind the oils. I never knew there were different chemotypes of the same oil. I just thought Rosemary was Rosemary. I had no clue that the constituents of the oil had such an effect on its therapeutic qualities. I had never even heard of hydrosols or Trauma Oil.
Amy was hooked. Now learning everything she could about essential oils was no longer just about filling in the gaps in her knowledge—it was a true love.
She studied, studied, studied . . . and after she graduated, she started her business, Blossoms + Blends Aromatherapy.
It did not take long for her to start getting clients and giving consultations about Aromatherapy. She started teaching classes at private events and chiropractic offices and became a trusted educator and resource for other natural health professionals. Amy has been published in Aromatherapy magazines and even became the NAHA Director for Missouri.
When she realized how hungry people were for ready-made Aromatherapy blends—natural products that are formulated by a professional so they are safe and effective—Amy branched out and began creating her own product line, too.
Even though her business is "blossoming"(haha!), Amy is still passionate about her education. She even enrolled in Aromahead's Advanced Graduate Program to take her understanding of the art and science of essential oils even deeper.
I feel so honored that Amy chose Aromahead Institute to earn her Aromatherapy Certification. She was an amazing student and remains an amazing friend.
Want to deepen your own education about essential oils, so you can help others . . . and maybe even start a blossoming business? Learn about the Aromatherapy Certification Program that Amy graduated from.