Using Essential Oils for Kids: What is safe?

You don't have to be afraid of using essential oils for kids. You just have to know which oils are safest.
I have written a lot about using essential oils for kids, sharing specific recipes here and there. I'm always happy to write about it!
This time I'd like to share a list of which essential oils and hydrosols I turn to when I'm blending safely for kids.
I don't use essential oils much for kids under about five years old.
Their systems are so delicate and responsive that I find we generally don't need to use such highly-concentrated substances for them. The Aromahead Approach is extra cautious, and we prefer to use hydrosols, butters and carrier oils on children under about five years old. Babies and children are so sensitive that essential oils can easily become overwhelming for them. Hydrosols, butters and carrier oils can often give a child the nudge they need towards rebalancing their health You can always use hydrosols, as they are much gentler. Hydrosols are aromatic waters and are very healing in their own right.
For babies and very little kids, you can spray hydrosols on blankets, in the crib, on car seats, and even in bath water. You can use them safely on the skin, and they're even great for diaper rash.
The hydrosols are primarily used for calming emotions and skin issues. They help babies drift off to sleep, too.
I still use hydrosols for kids who are five and older, but I also have a few favorite essential oils that are great for older kids.
All of the oils below are excellent for soothing emotions and helping kids relax, in addition to the other great effects I've listed:
Lavender (Lavandula angustifolia) — Sleep, ease anxiety, heal cuts, scrapes, and burns, disinfect, bug bites, and stings, and pain relief.
Roman Chamomile (Chamaemelum nobile) — Sleep, ease anxiety, emotional balance, assist digestion and tummy trouble.
Cedarwood (Juniperus virginiana) — Sleep, ease anxiety, and emotional balance, and helpful for respiratory health.
Ylang Ylang (Cananga odorata) — Sleep, ease anxiety, and emotional balance, calms the heart, soothes shock, and pain relief. (Just use 1 drop Ylang Ylang per 1 oz/30 ml in your essential oil blends for kids. It has a very strong aroma that can get overwhelming.)
Orange (Citrus sinensis) — Sleep, reassurance, uplift the heart, assist digestion and tummy trouble, airborne disinfectant.
You can use these oils very effectively in low dilutions (about 1%, which comes to 5 or 6 drops for every 1 oz/30 ml of carrier). They are perfect in lotions, body creams, and sprays (for the room or for the skin). I recommend making these blends fresh every few weeks.
So now you know some excellent essential oils you can use for kids without worry!
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