Which Essential Oils Help Neck Pain

3 min to read
Andrea Butje

In the fast-paced world we live in, where long hours at the computer or awkward sleeping positions can lead to stiff necks and tense shoulders, the alleviating properties of Gingergrass essential oil can be truly transformative.

By creating a massage blend featuring this potent essential oil, tension and discomfort can be eased significantly.

This rejuvenating blend utilizes Trauma Oil as its base, an extraordinary ingredient for all-natural pain relief concoctions. Not just your regular carrier oil, Trauma Oil is typically an infusion of olive oil and three therapeutic herbs known for their healing properties: arnica, renowned for its ability to reduce bruising and inflammation; St. John's wort, celebrated for its nerve support and anti-inflammatory effects; and calendula, prized for its wound-healing and skin-soothing abilities.

This makes Trauma Oil an ideal foundation for a neck pain relief blend, providing a wholesome, herbaceous support to the essential oils.

Speaking of essential oils, Gingergrass pairs exceptionally well with Rosemary ct. camphor and Lavender for creating a pain alleviating blend.

Here's the formula to craft your very own 'Neck Ease!' massage blend:


1 fl oz (30 ml) Trauma Oil
7 drops Lavender essential oil (Lavandula angustifolia)
5 drops Gingergrass essential oil (Cymbopogon martinii sofia)
4 drops Rosemary ct. camphor essential oil (Rosmarinus officinalis ct camphor)

Directions: Prepare this blend in a 1 oz (30 ml) glass bottle, combining the Trauma Oil with the essential oils and shaking gently to blend.

The resultant mix can be used to massage sore necks and shoulders as required. If you're experiencing acute tightness, applying this blend every hour or so until you experience relief is advisable. Following this, usage can be reduced to every few hours.

Now, let's delve into why these essential oils are effective for neck pain relief:

Gingergrass essential oil, characterized by its warming, spicy aroma with fresh herbal undertones, is renowned for its ability to soothe inflammation and boost the body's natural circulation. This makes it a highly sought-after oil for muscle and joint relief among massage therapists.

Rosemary ct. camphor essential oil offers a fresh, camphoraceous, and cooling aroma. It perfectly complements Gingergrass in this blend due to its proficiency in stimulating circulation in the areas it is applied. The synergy between these two oils is key to the blend's effectiveness in alleviating neck pain.

Lavender essential oil is a stalwart in the realm of natural pain relief. Known for its calming and relaxing properties, it works wonders on both the mind and body. Its efficacy in relieving tension, especially tension induced by stress, is well-documented. Just a few moments of inhaling the soothing aroma of Lavender can coax the body into a state of serene relaxation.

If you'd like a recipe that's formulated specifically to help joints, I think you'll like this one: Essential Kombo Joint Relief Butter.

Enjoy being able to move your neck again!

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