3 Oils to Use in an Essential Oil Respiratory Roll-On

Make a respiratory roll-on: the science of relief!
If you’re struggling with a breathing issue—like the sniffles or stuffiness—making a respiratory roll-on can offer a lot of relief. You’ll want to use essential oils that help calm inflammation and clear your head.
Which molecules offer the most benefits? There are a lot that can help!
Four that I love working with for stuffy, sniffly issues are:
This is a recipe for an essential oil respiratory roll-on rich in all four components. (You’ll find details about exactly how these molecules help below the recipe!)
Clear Breathing Roll-On with Douglas Fir
10 ml Jojoba oil (Simmondsia chinensis)
3 drops Douglas Fir essential oil (Pseudotsuga menziesii)
3 drops Sweet Orange essential oil (Citrus sinensis)
2 drops Eucalyptus essential oil (Eucalyptus globulus)
Making an essential oil respiratory roll-on is simple!
You’ll need a 10 ml glass bottle with a roller ball top. Just pour the jojoba into the bottle (you may need a small funnel to help with this), and add the drops of essential oil. Snap the roller ball top into place, and you’re done!
Roll it onto your wrists, neck, and wherever you like to help keep your breathing clear.
Why are these essential oils so powerful in a respiratory roll-on? Let’s answer that!
Sweet Orange essential oil (Citrus sinensis)
Sweet Orange oil contains d-limonene. This molecule has been widely studied. We know it can reduce inflammation, support white blood cells (which are important for fighting infection), and even boost your mood!
Douglas Fir essential oil (Pseudotsuga menziesii)
Douglas Fir offers multiple benefits! It’s rich in camphene—a mucolytic component that helps the body release mucus—and in α-pinene, which calms inflammation and reduces the presence of certain types of microbes.
Eucalyptus essential oil (Eucalyptus globulus)
Eucalyptus is probably the most famous oil for respiratory issues. That’s largely due to its high percentage of the component 1,8-cineole.
1,8-cinole has a crisp, penetrating scent that can clear your head in just a few breaths. It acts as a mucolytic, calms inflammation, reduces microbes, eases spasms, and even sharpens your mental performance. It’s a brisk, awakening, energizing molecule!
Now you know about 4 components for clear breathing!
If you come across an oil that contains high percentages of these components, you can make an educated guess that it would work well in a respiratory roll-on. Knowing a bit of science gives you the tools to get creative while making blends that work.
Enjoy your roll-on!
Boyd EM, Sheppard P. (1970) Nutmeg oil and camphene as inhaled expectorants. Archives of Otolaryngology (Chicago) 92,4,372-378
Da Silva AC, Lopes PM, de Azevedo MM, Costa DC, Alviano CS, Alviano DS. (2012) Biological activities of a-pinene and ß-pinene enantiomers. Molecules 2012 17, 6305–16.