Aromatherapy for Digestion: Basil Essential Oil Saves the Day

Use Aromatherapy for digestion when you're busy and need mental clarity.
Basil ct. linalool essential oil is excellent at supporting digestion and helping us feel mentally centered and focused.
Using Aromatherapy for digestion can help settle your stomach while you go about your day and continue getting things done.
I wrote about this aspect of Basil ct. linalool in my book, The Heart of Aromatherapy: An Easy-to-Use Guide for Essential Oils.
One of the book's Aromatherapy for digestion recipes is Basil's "Pat Your Head and Rub Your Belly" Inhaler.
If you've never made an inhaler, I think you'll find it very simple and straightforward.
An inhaler consists of a few parts:
A cotton or polyester "wick" to absorb essential oils
A "sleeve" to hold the wick (made of plastic or glass, depending on whether you have a disposable or reusable inhaler)
A cap to close it all up
A lid
I'll bet you can guess how to assemble the inhaler . . . All you do is put the essential oils onto the cotton wick, insert the cotton into the sleeve, then close it up. All done! Now you've got an inhaler that will last about two months.
Basil's "Pat Your Head and Rub Your Belly" Inhaler
Keep the inhaler in your pocket or bag, and use it as needed.
7 drops Basil ct. linalool Oil (Ocimum basilicum ct linalool)
5 drops Bergamot Mint Oil (Citrus bergamia)
4 drops Peppermint Oil (Mentha x piperita)
One blank inhaler with a cotton or polyester wick
Slide the wick into the inhaler.
Drop the essential oils right onto the wick.
Snap the plastic bottom into place.
An inhaler is a great way to use Aromatherapy for digestion when you can't use a diffuser or don't want anyone else around you to smell the essential oils.
The essential oils in this inhaler are also good for mental focus, so you can stay productive and "on task" during your day. Keep it in your pocket or bag, and use it as needed.