The Best Essential Oils for Congestion
Reach for conifer oils to clear up congestion from allergies!
Would you guess that conifer oils are some of the best essential oils for a stuffy nose?
Stuffy and runny noses are unfortunately common . . . and just plain unfortunate.
But fortunately, we have some great conifer oils that work well clearing our breathing.
Why conifers are some of the best essential oils for a stuffy nose
Using essential oils for a stuffy nose is all about clearing congestion and calming inflammation.
And while we're clearing congestion and inflammation, we want to support immunity too. It's best to reduce any kind of infection that might be leading to a stuffy nose.
When using essential oils for a stuffy nose that's due to allergies, it's best to consistently calm those symptoms and stop them from showing up. And while we're clearing up those allergy symptoms, we want to be sure to ease other discomforts such as a sore throat or a sinus headache.
Since these essential oils for a stuffy nose are multi-talented, you can also use this recipe for a runny nose, sinus headache, sore throat, allergies, immune support, and to keep yourself feeling vital during cold & flu season. An aromatherapy inhaler is easy to make and easy to use!
Here's a video where I talk more about this and blend!
An Aromatherapy inhaler to clear a stuffy nose from allergies!
Inhaling essential oils is one of the easiest ways to get them into your system quickly.
That's what makes Aromatherapy inhalers so powerful!
Here's one of our favorite inhaler recipes to help clear up congestion and calm inflammation caused by your allergy symptoms.
Clear That Stuffy Nose Inhaler
Use this inhaler to help ease congestion, calm inflammation, and promote healthy breathing during allergy season.
5 drops Black Spruce essential oil (Picea mariana)
5 drops Pinyon Pine essential oil (Pinus edulis)
5 drops Siberian Fir essential oil (Abies siberica)
One blank inhaler with a cotton or polyester wick
Slide the wick into the inhaler.
Drop the essential oils right onto the wick.
Snap the plastic bottom into place.
Making an Aromatherapy inhaler is very simple, even if you've never made one before.
Here are the steps:
An Aromatherapy inhaler comes with a few basic parts. A cotton wick absorbs the essential oils. The cotton slides into a plastic "sleeve," and the whole thing closes up with a little cap on the bottom.
You can put the cotton into the sleeve as your first step and then just drop the essential oils right onto it. Snap the cap into place, and that's it!
You just made an Aromatherapy inhaler! It will last for two months before it's time to make a new one.
Understanding conifer oils
Conifer essential oils have a lot in common.
If you don't have Black Spruce, Pinon Pine, or Siberian Fir essential oil, you can actually substitute any conifer oil you have in your collection. It will work great!
I do want to give you a quick safety note about conifer essential oils.
They require evaluation for tolerance. If you're making a blend for someone who has asthma or another breathing issue, have them smell the lid of each essential oil bottle first.
If the aroma of the oil makes their chest feel tight, it's best to choose another essential oil for them.
A few other essential oils for a stuffy nose you can substitute would be:
I hope that this post has introduced you to a few conifers that can support your respiratory system and ease your breathing during seasonal allergies or a cold and flu.
I created a webinar that has everything you need to know about using essential oils safely and effectively to not only calm allergy symptoms in the short term but get rid of them completely in the long term!
I’m sharing my proven method and holistic approach to using essential oils for allergies - you won’t want to miss this!
If you're ready to learn more about using essential oils for allergies, then please join me for my FREE webinar! You'll learn all the information (and recipes!) you need to soothe your allergies whenever they occur!
On this webinar, you'll learn:
How to use essential oils to relieve allergies naturally (or even eliminate them!) and clear up sinus infections.
FIVE simple and effective essential oil blends that will help reduce allergies for the short and long term.
How green cleaning products improve your health and reduce allergies so you feel better.
My most favorite homemade cleaning spray recipe! I'll explain which essential oils are best for cleaning and give you a recipe that WORKS.
How to make a skin-nourishing hand gel.