Deciphering the Purity of Essential Oils in Aromatherapy

Combining Science and Senses to Secure the Purest Aromatherapy Experience
My Journey with Pure Essential Oils
In my quest for vibrant, pure essential oils, I've forged deep connections with distillers around the world, each taking great pride in their farming and distilling. These relationships are not just about sourcing products; they are about sharing a commitment to excellence and sustainability.
My Experience with Siberian Fir Oil
This story of Siberian Fir oil is a vivid illustration of the challenges we face in ensuring the purity of essential oils. I’ve long relied on Siberian distillers known for their exceptional quality. However, recent geopolitical issues led me to seek alternative sources, leading to a purchase from another supplier offering the oil at a surprisingly low price. Despite the accompanying GC/MS report indicating no synthetic adulteration, the oil’s aroma felt distinctly off, lacking the pure, crisp scent characteristic of Siberian Fir.
This incongruence between the scientific report and my olfactory experience raised doubts. While the oil wasn't identified as synthetically adulterated, I couldn't shake off the suspicion that it might have been mixed with something to cut the oil. Unfortunately, my attempts to clarify these concerns were met with silence from the supplier, leaving my questions unanswered. This was a huge red flag as well that something was off.
Despite this setback, I reached out to my trusted Siberian partners, and together we navigated the obstacles to find a solution that upheld our standards for purity and quality. This experience, while challenging, underscored the importance of trusting not only the science but also our senses and the relationships we’ve built over the years.
Why Purity Matters
Pure essential oils are vital for their holistic benefits as they nourish us emotionally, physically, mentally, and spiritually. My commitment to purity is about more than just avoiding synthetics; it's about honoring the essence of each plant and the land from which it comes.
Learning and Sharing
Education in aromatherapy extends far beyond the basics of oil selection and blending. It involves a deep dive into the global impact of our choices, emphasizing the significance of ethical sourcing and environmental stewardship. Our journey in aromatherapy is not just about personal or business gains; it’s about nurturing a trustworthy relationship with those we collaborate with and upholding strong ethics at every level of interaction.
By sharing this knowledge, we empower each other to make informed decisions that not only enhance our individual health but also contribute positively to the broader world. It’s about creating a community of informed individuals who are committed to respecting and preserving the natural integrity of the essential oils we cherish and the planet we inhabit.
Celebrating the integrity of our Siberian Fir, I offer you this blend to mark the rejuvenation of spring and the vitality it brings.
This blend is perfect for supporting our adrenals! And it smells amazing - woodsy and sweet with a hint of citrus.
A Favorite Recipe
Siberian Fir Blend for Spring Vitality
5 drops Siberian Fir Essential Oil (Abies sibirica)
5 drops Black Spruce Essential Oil (Picea mariana)
8 drops Sweet Orange Essential Oil (Citrus sinensis)
1 fl oz (30 ml) unscented lotion
Combine these ingredients in a 1 oz (30 ml) glass jar and apply to your lower back to invigorate your senses and boost your well-being as we prepare for increased spring activity.
Closing Thoughts
In our aromatherapy journey, we keep discovering and connecting with the wonders of nature. I love sharing this path with you, where we combine science and our senses to find the best essential oils.
I’m excited to explore the true power of these oils together, learning how they can help and heal us in the most natural way. Let’s keep this journey going, embracing the pure, healing essence of essential oils in every step we take.