Essential Oil Shower Cleaner with White Pine and Lemon

I have noticed that a lot of people love using Aromatherapy.
People are making inhalers and diffuser blends and using essential oils for skin care, relaxation, and even pain relief.
I have also noticed there are some places where using essential oils isn't as popular yet . . . Like in the shower.
Did you know that essential oils are great for cleaning?
And I don't know about you, but when I'm standing in the shower inhaling all that warm steam, I'd rather know my shower had been cleaned with essential oils and not chemical products!
This essential oil shower cleaner recipe is one I think people are going to love. You can use this to clean your shower tiles while you're actually in the shower! It's effective at reducing germs and preventing scummy buildup, and yet it's gentle enough to inhale and come into contact with your skin.
I like to make this blend in a soap-dispensing sponge brush—the kind that has an empty handle that you can fill with soap, and a sponge on the end. When you press the sponge against your shower tiles, the soap will fill the sponge and you can scrub your tile.
If you like, you can also make this essential oil shower cleaner in a 4 oz (120 ml) spray bottle. Just spray it directly on your tile, then use a scrubby sponge.
White Pine and Lemon Essential Oil Shower Cleaner
4 oz (120 ml) Castile soap
1 tsp White vinegar
30 drops White Pine Essential Oil (Pinus strobus)
10 drops Lemon Essential Oil (Citrus limon)
Be sure to spot-test this blend first to make sure it doesn't stain or otherwise harm your tile and grout.
I love cleaning with conifer oils and citruses!
Lemon is especially bright and uplifting, and it's one of my favorite choices for natural cleaning blends because it's just so good at "neutralizing" germs and supporting our health.
The conifer oils are all excellent at this, too. (There's a reason so many store-bought cleaners smell like pine, and it's not just because forests smell fresh and inviting . . . conifers are great cleaners!) If you don't have White Pine, you can substitute any conifer oil, like Black Spruce (Picea mariana), Hemlock (Tsuga canadensis), or Balsam Fir (Abies balsamea).
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Component Blending