How to Use Myrrh Essential Oil: 3 Therapeutic Ways

Myrrh essential oil (Commiphora myrrha) is distilled from a resin, just like Frankincense.
The Myrrh tree secretes a rich sap when its trunk is "injured," which hardens and can then be harvested. The dried resin itself makes gorgeous loose incense. But it can also be distilled, which gives us a rich, warm, unique essential oil with a whole host of therapeutic uses and benefits!
When you know how to use myrrh essential oil in multiple ways, it can become a trusted friend that you can turn to in a variety of situations.
How to Use Myrrh Essential Oil #1: Skin Care
All of the essential oils distilled from resins have a few things in common.
One is that they all love skin!
Myrrh essential oil is gentle and can be used in blends to relieve skin irritation, calm pain, ease itching, soothe very dry areas, and support the skin's overall natural healing process.
Myrrh is a wonderful friend to include in your daily skincare routine.
In this recipe, I'm blending myrrh into vanilla-infused jojoba, which smells so decadent, is deeply nourishing for the skin, and has a lovely long shelf life.
Myrrh & Vanilla Skin Care Oil
Use as a daily moisturizer.
1 fl oz (30 ml) Vanilla-infused Jojoba (Simmondsia chinensis)
12 drops Myrrh Oil (Commiphora myrrha)
One 1 oz (30 ml) glass bottle
Simply combine the vanilla-infused jojoba and drops of essential oil in the bottle.
Tighten the lid, and shake gently.
How to Use Myrrh Essential Oil #2: Calming a Cold
Another thing the "resin oils" have in common is offering a lot of support to the respiratory system.
If you feel a cold coming on, are congested, and just have that overall icky and achy feeling, myrrh helps break up congestion so you can breathe and support your immunity.
Blend a few drops of myrrh with eucalyptus essential oil in an Aromatherapy inhaler.
Making an Aromatherapy inhaler is so simple and fun—even if you are a complete "newbie" and have never made an inhaler before! You can learn how to do it by watching me in this video.
Myrrh-alyptus Cold Clear Inhaler
Myrrh helps break up congestion so you can breathe and support your immunity.
Blank inhaler with a cotton or polyester wick
Slide the wick into the inhaler.
Drop the essential oils right onto the wick.
Snap the plastic bottom into place.
How to Use Myrrh Essential Oil #3: Relaxation
Myrrh's aroma is unique—and it actually changes a bit as the essential oil ages.
When the oil is fresh, it has a "sharp" almost medicinal aroma. And as it ages, it loses that "edge"and becomes mellower.
Whether your Myrrh essential oil is younger or older, it can help you feel emotionally centered and relaxed. Use it to calm down after a long day, to get ready for sleep, or even during a busy day when you want to support your sense of balance.
I like to use a bottle with a dropper top, so I can just get a few drops on my wrists or hands (or wherever I would like to use it).
Myrrh & Lavender Calm & Centered Oil
Apply after a long day, to get ready for sleep, or even during a busy day when you want to support your sense of balance.
1 fl oz (30 ml) Jojoba (Simmondsia chinensis)
7 drops Myrrh Oil (Commiphora myrrha)
One 1 oz (30 ml) glass bottle
Simply combine the jojoba and drops of essential oil in the bottle.
Tighten the lid, and shake gently.
Now you know 3 ways to use myrrh essential oil!
Ready to learn more about the therapeutic properties of essential oils? Aromatherapy 101 is for you!
Whether you are brand new to aromatherapy or looking to expand your knowledge with science-based information you can trust, our introduction course is the perfect place to begin.