What a Relief A Natural Essential Oil Knee Pain Recipe

3 min to read
Andrea Butje

This Essential Oil Knee Pain Recipe is Easy to Make!

Do your knees hurt when you climb the stairs?

Or when you bend them?

Or straighten them?

Or just any time they feel like it?

I don't believe that if you develop knee pain, it just has to be "part of life"from now on. 

Our bodies are beautiful, dynamic, living systems. They're constantly changing and responding to things like what we eat, how we exercise, and the environments we're in (like whether it's hot or cold).

With that in mind, we can do things to reduce the inflammation that causes chronic knee pain.

I want to share an essential oil knee pain recipe with you.

It's made with all-natural aloe vera gel and essential oils that help calm inflammation and soothe pain. 

I originally shared this essential oil knee pain recipe on Aromahead's YouTube channel, and it's received so many positive comments. Many people seem to find this blend helpful. 

I'm increasing the essential oil drop count in the version I'm sharing here today (compared to what's on the video).

I suggest starting with the version of the blend in this post, so you get the effects of the more highly concentrated essential oils into your inflamed, painful joints as soon as possible. Use the blend as often as you need. 

After you become accustomed to it and it helps calm down the more acute pain, you might want to try scaling back to the version of the blend in the YouTube video—the one that has a bit less essential oil in it. 

If you're going to use an essential oil knee pain recipe for long-term, chronic pain, you want something very gentle on your skin. A few of the essential oils in this blend (such as Ginger and Peppermint) can be irritating to skin. 

Be sure to pay attention to your body's responses and take care of yourself.

What A Relief! Essential Oil Knee Pain Recipe

What a Relief! Essential Oil Knee Pain Recipe

  • 2 oz (56 g) aloe vera gel (Aloe barbadensis)

  • 12 drops Peppermint (Mentha x piperita)

  • 7 drops Ginger (Zingiber officinale)

  • 7 drops Lavender (Lavandula angustifolia)

  • 7 drops Rosemary (Rosmarinus officinalis ct. camphor)

  • 6 ml Solubol dispersant

Make this blend in a 2 oz (60 ml) glass or PET plastic bottle. 

Combine the aloe, Solubol, and essential oils, shake well, and massage some of the blend into your achy knees. The aloe is a light, absorbent carrier, so it won't get your clothes or linens oily or messy!

There are no preservatives in this essential oil knee pain recipe, so I suggest making a fresh bottle every few weeks . . . which shouldn't be a problem if you use it often enough! 

If you've never used Solubol, I think you're going to like it. Solubol dispersant helps keep essential oils distributed through water-based carriers, like aloe vera gel. And I still suggest shaking this blend before each use.

Enjoy bending and unbending your happy knees!

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