Part 1: The Importance of Using Natural Cleaning Products: My Story

My Recent Experience with Harsh Cleaning Products
Earlier this year, I experienced a fall while on a hike, and I broke several bones in my foot. (Read more about my misadventure.) During my healing period, I couldn’t get around my house as easily as I was accustomed to. Instead, I was confined to my bed and comfy chairs where I could elevate my foot.
This meant I couldn’t personally clean my home for a time.
I hired a wonderful woman to clean once a week. She was very experienced and came highly recommended. However, the night after her first visit, I felt congested—sniffling, sneezing, and uncomfortable. The chemical scent in my home was overpowering. Even the cats were sneezing. I realized that she had used harsh, conventional cleaning products.
I opened up the house and aired it out, but traces of the chemical aroma lingered for the next few days.
In this post, I would like to address why it’s important to use natural, organic cleaning products in our homes. Natural products are just as effective as their harsh counterparts, and they don’t challenge our health. They’re also simple and affordable to make!
Asking for a Change
I politely asked my cleaning professional if she had access to natural products. She said that she didn’t, but if I would like her to use specific products, I could provide them, and she would be happy to use them.
I whipped up a batch of homemade natural cleaning products, and left those for her to use on her next visit.
It worked like a charm!
She used my homemade products from that point on, and my home was both clean and healthy.
Why are Harsh Cleaners Popular?
My cleaning professional was using products that she believed to be the best—the most effective at getting rid of grime and germs. No doubt, many of her clients want her to use these products.
The allure of chemical cleaners is deeply ingrained in our culture. Corporations have spent a great deal of time and money convincing us that only harsh, lab-made products adequately remove dirt and fight microbes. We're bombarded with ads showcasing their seemingly miraculous powers—eliminating stains effortlessly, and eradicating 99.9% of bacteria with just a swipe.
Furthermore, convenience plays a significant role. Chemical cleaners are widely available and ready to use.
The Hidden Costs of Harsh Cleaners
Studies have linked chemicals found in household cleaners to respiratory issues, skin irritation, hormonal disruption, and even serious health problems such as asthma and cancer.
Additionally, the widespread use of antibacterial products has raised concerns about the development of antibiotic-resistant bacteria. Hospitals are deeply troubled by this, finding it difficult to fight antibiotic-resistant infections that were once straightforward to treat.
I find it ironic that the products we use to keep our homes healthy are causing us health issues. And that the products we trust to get rid of microbes are creating strains of super-bacteria.
Synthetic cleaners also take a toll on the environment. Their production, use, and disposal pollutes our air, water, and soil. Plants and wildlife struggle to thrive in toxic environments. It has serious ramifications for the health of our planet.
Natural Cleaners are More Effective!
The good news is, we don't need harsh chemicals to achieve a clean and healthy home.
Natural ingredients such as Castile soap, vinegar, baking soda, and alcohol have been used for centuries as effective cleaning agents. These ingredients are non-toxic and biodegradable, making them both safe for our health and environmentally friendly.
Natural cleaners are remarkably simple to make. I made a full collection of products for my cleaning professional in less than 10 minutes.
Plus, they’re affordable! Instead of spending all that money on various specialized products, you only require a handful ingredients to make any product you need to clean any area of your home.
Students of Aromatherapy for Natural Living (one of our most popular courses) learn to create a complete collection of products—from bathroom scrub, to abrasive cleaner, all-purpose cleaning spray, wood polish, and more. There’s even a recipe for preventing mold.
And that’s just one lesson in the class! The other lessons help you create non-toxic skincare products, make safe recipes for children and babies, and more. It’s a complete makeover for a 100% natural, green lifestyle.
Essential Oils Play Key Roles in Natural Cleaning
Most essential oils offer some level of cleaning action, but some are more potent than others.
For example, oils that contain carvacrol (such as Bee Balm, Monarda fistulosa) are excellent for reducing fungi and mold. (I have a cleaning spray recipe that can help prevent mold here!)
Oils high in cinnamaldehyde (such as Cinnamon Bark, Cinnamomum verum) are known to destroy a wide variety of bacteria. (Get my recipe for a broad-spectrum antibacterial cleaner here!)
And oils rich in d-limonene (including Lemon, Citrus limon) can help destroy microbes while making your home smell like freshly cut citrus!
I am planning a future post to explore the cleaning properties of various essential oils in more depth.
My Takeaway
By making the switch to natural cleaners, we not only protect our health and the environment, but also reclaim control over what goes into our homes. Consider giving Mother Nature's cleaning arsenal a try. Your home—and your health—will thank you for it.

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