Make an essential oil inhaler for cold care

3 min to read
Karen Williams

Breathe clear with this DIY essential oil inhaler for colds

Just take a whiff of an open bottle, and you'll see why—eucalyptus's cooling, fresh, penetrating aroma can clear your nose and sinuses almost like magic! 

It's the main ingredient in today's recipe: an essential oil inhaler for cold care.

Along with eucalyptus, this inhaler combines three more essential oils that can:

  • Help break up mucus

  • Calm inflammation

  • Support the body's fight against infections

You'll love these effects when your sinuses feel stuffed up or sniffly and when your body is overcoming a sickness, such as a cold. 

Let's start with the recipe, then talk about why the oils are so potent.

Easy Breathing Eucalyptus Cold Care Inhaler

Take a deep breath to clear your nose and sinuses!

  • 5 drops Eucalyptus Oil (Eucalyptus globulus)

  • 4 drops Sweet Orange Oil (Citrus sinensis)

  • 3 drops Balsam Fir Oil (Abies balsamea)

  • 3 drops Wild Carrot Oil (Daucus carota)

  • Blank inhaler with a cotton or polyester wick

  • Slide the wick into the inhaler.

  • Drop the essential oils right onto the wick.

  • Snap the plastic bottom into place.

Eucalyptus essential oil

Eucalyptus contains 1,8-cineole, a widely studied oxide component that's responsible for much of the oil's ability to break up stuffiness, so you can breathe through both sides of your nose again! 

1,8-cineole is also anti-inflammatory and can help reduce the presence of germs (including viruses).

Eucalyptus is so chock-full of this little molecule that 1,8-cineole is sometimes called "eucalyptol."

This isn't the only Eeucalyptus essential oil inhaler for cold care on our blog. Here's another one!

Sweet Orange essential oil

Eucalyptus has a very bracing, cool presence. In an essential oil inhaler for colds, it's introduced directly to the sensitive organs of the nose and sinuses. To make a long story short, too much eucalyptus can be overwhelming!

A bit of sweet orange in this inhaler softens it up, so it feels gentler. 

Sweet orange brings all the inflammation-calming power of d-limonene. It soothes and comforts, while also helping the body fight infection by supporting white blood cells. 

Balsam Fir essential oil

One of the main components in balsam fir is δ-3-carene—an impressive mucus-buster! 

δ-3-carene and 1,8-cineole are different, yet work together nicely to help clear congestion. (Think of it like an alto and a soprano working together to sing the same song.)

Balsam fir has a familiar, invigorating evergreen aroma. 

Wild Carrot essential oil

Brimming with the ester geranyl acetate, wild carrot oil helps to calm inflammation in your tender nose and sinuses.

It has an earthy, woody, fresh scent. Like sweet orange, wild carrot helps soften the scent of this essential oil inhaler for colds. 

Make sure you're working with wild carrot essential oil, and NOT carrot seed essential oil or the carrot seed carrier oil. Carrot seed is also Daucus carota, so it's understandable if you have the wrong one! Just make sure your essential oil is rich in geranyl acetate, and you'll be good.

If you need a little more warmth in your inhaler, feel free to add another drop or two of sweet orange!

Discover safe, natural solutions to prevent and quickly recover from colds & flu in our 3-hour workshop, Protect Your Family from Colds & Flu!

Learn how essential oils can support your family’s health and well-being, helping you stay well and providing much-needed relief when you’re feeling under the weather. You’ll learn which essential oils can help you prevent and recover from respiratory infections and gain a strong understanding of how and why they work.

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